Online banking 24 hours a day

Main services
Money transfers
Account history
Certified account statement
Payment request
Bankcard settings
Transfer to address
Securities transactions
Fixed deposits
Purchase a motorway sticker
How can you apply?
Using the Mobile Signature
You can enhance security when using our Internet Service with the help of our free Mobile Signature function. You may request that (in addition to your ID code, password and account number) an additional code sent by SMS to your mobile phone which is required to access any information regarding your account.
- Logon to the OTPdirekt Internet Service
- Perform (or cancel) any active transaction.
With the use of this function it is not possible to log on or perform any transactions even if someone illegally obtained your personal data, as the SMS sent by OTPdirekt contains an additional code which provides a higher level of security.
You may activate the free Mobile Signature function at any OTP Bank branch or through the OTPdirekt Telephone Service.
Main services
Quick account balance
Money transfers
Account history
Mobile phone top-up
Fixed deposits
Payment request
Purchase a motorway sticker
Approve online payments
QR code cheque payment
Branch/ATM finder
How can you apply?
OTPdirekt SmartBank services may be used by clients already registered to use OTPdirekt internet services.
In order to start using the SmartBank, users will need to register via a quick and easy process and have Mobile Signature with enabled logon or per transaction option. Following registration, SmartBank will be available for immediate use.
SmartBank download
The functions of the OTPdirekt SmartBank service can be used by our customers who are already using the OTPdirekt internet service. All you need to get started is a short, simple registration, after which the SmartBank service can be used immediately.
iOS 11 and above
Android 4.1 and above
Frequently Asked Questions
Once SmartBank is launched, a short, simple registration is required. This will require the same ID (HAZ), bank account number and password as for the InternetBank.
Steps of registration:
- Click the Registration button on the home screen.
- Enter the data used to access the InternetBank: ID (HAZ), account number, password.
- Enter a so-called SmartBank PIN code of your choice, consisting of 6-8 digits, and confirm by entering it again.
- If your device is capable of biometric identification (fingerprint, FaceID) and you have already registered at least one of these methods on your device, you can also choose this convenient identification method.
- Declare that you are the only person using the fingerprint or FaceID authentication function on your device.
- You can finalise your registration by entering the ID you receive in an SMS message.
I forgot my ID and/or password, what should I do?
- You can find your ID on the OTPdirekt contract or, if necessary, our staff will help you to enter the necessary registration details (ID, account number) at any bank branch.
- You can request a new password at any of our branches. Or, you can request a new password as part of a short process after confirming your identity. The answers to the questions are mandatory and a prerequisite for identification.
You can register with any account number that you can manage in the InternetBank. However, we recommend that you do this with the account you use most often, so that if you close a less frequently used account down the line, this will not disrupt the use of your SmartBank app.
Yes. Any number of OTPdirekt contracts can be registered on one device, and the PIN code can be set separately for each contract.
Of course, if you use fingerprint or FaceID, the fingerprint or FaceID set is valid for all contracts.
You can choose the PIN code yourself, but there are some requirements you must meet for your security. The PIN code
- can consist of 6-8 characters,
- can only contain numbers that are not in a continuously increasing or decreasing sequence (e.g. 1234567, 987654)
- cannot consist of identical digits (e.g. 333333)
It is important to note that the SmartBank PIN is not the same as the PIN of your SIM card, phone lock screen or bank card. This is a number you can choose as you wish.
To ensure your security, your SmartBank registration must be activated before you can fully use the application.
- Until the Smartbank registration is activated, transactions are approved by entering a security code (Mobile Signature SMS) sent to you by SMS.
- You can activate your SmartBank registration 24 hours after registration at the earliest by using the “Activate registration” function in the Settings menu of the application. Using this function, you can activate your registration by entering a security code (Mobile Signature SMS) sent to you by SMS.
- After this, however, you will be able to use regular PIN, fingerprint or FaceID validation/confirmation in the future.
You can delete your registration in the following ways:
- Before logging in to the application, you can use the “Delete registration” function available in the menu,
- After logging in to the application, go to Settings and use the “Delete registration” function,
- In the InternetBank interface, under “SmartBank registration maintenance” in the Settings menu,
- Via the telephone banking service: +36 20/30/70 3 666 666 (OTPdirekt telephone administrator contract required),
- Information line: +36 20/30/70 3 666 666.
Please be advised that registration is also cancelled if you incorrectly enter your PIN code three times or if your OTPdirekt contract is terminated.
On your mobile device, SmartBank login is always performed with PIN (or fingerprint, FaceID), regardless of the Mobile Signature setting.
The transaction is approved in the usual way for the InternetBank, in line with the options of the Mobile Signature setting, according to its rules with PIN/biometric (fingerprint/FaceID) identification.
Your SmartBank PIN is device and contract-specific, it is not known to the bank, so it is not possible to give you another PIN. We are not able to verify the SmartBank PIN code for information security reasons.
If you forget your SmartBank PIN, you will need to delete your registration on the device and then re-register.
The registration is also deleted after three incorrect PIN entries.
For your security, we delete the registration from your device after 3 incorrect attempts at entry.
Please register again if you wish to continue to use the service.
If there are multiple contracts registered on the same device, the other contracts are not deleted.
InternetBank use with the SmartBank QR code
After scanning the QR code, you may typically see two information messages.
"Your SmartBank registration has not been activated yet, therefore, QR code confirmation is not allowed. Activation can be initiated it in the Settings menu 24 hours after registration at the earliest."
This occurs if you have already registered your OTPdirekt contract in the SmartBank application, but have not activated it yet. You can carry out the activation 24 hours after registration at the earliest by using the “Activate registration” function in the Settings menu of the application. Using this function, you can activate your registration by entering a security code (Mobile Signature SMS) sent to you by SMS.
„The transaction cannot be approved with the contract currently selected in SmartBank.”
This may happen if you have several OTPdirekt contract registrations on your device and the one you want to use to access the InternetBank is not the one you have selected. You can check the selected contract in the drop-down list in the header. In addition to the name, you can also see the ID and the account number.
Secure banking on your mobile
OTP Bank applies a number of security measures to ensure that you can use SmartBank as safely as possible. To minimise the risks, however, your cooperation is also required.
- Keep your PIN code used for login confidential and do not share it with anyone.
- Never write down the code in any form.
- Change your PIN code regularly.
- When changing your password, avoid obvious codes that are easy to guess (e.g. date of birth, postal code).
We recommend that you take the utmost care to protect your mobile phone and your data.
- Regularly download the updates available for the operating system you are using.
- Use a strong PIN code on your mobile phone to both log in and unlock. (It is important that the device always be locked automatically within a short time.)
- Use protection solutions developed for mobile phones.
- If your devices are stolen or lost, change the password you use to access the InternetBank as soon as possible.
- After reading, delete SMS messages from OTP Bank from your mobile phone.
Scams and fraud via email, SMS and phone have become a very common form of abuse. These are designed for perpetrators to illegally obtain information by claiming to be from OTP Bank or another company: personal data of the account or bank card holder, the ID for InternetBank login, security code, password or bank card details.
Scammers either try to elicit information from customers over the phone, claiming to be a bank employee, or by sending an email or SMS containing a hyperlink. This link leads to a webpage that looks deceptively similar to the bank’s InternetBank login page. Through this, they are able to collect the passwords and data of misled customers.
How can you defend against this?
- Be very careful. Be suspicious of any phone call, SMS message, social networking site message or email requesting your password or PIN for InternetBank login and identification. You should also be suspicious if you receive a message that is difficult to understand and uses un-Hungarian language, as this content is often produced using a translation programme.
- Never answer these types of phone calls, emails or SMS messages. OTP Bank will never ask you for passwords or PIN codes or any other confidential information either by email, phone or SMS. The bank’s staff can only ask you for personal data if we are contacting you about a specific, ongoing matter, in the manner of contact you have indicated.
- In such cases, you should always exercise caution and inform our bank immediately at informacio@otpbank.hu or call the OTPdirekt information line on +36 (1) 3666 666 (menu item 8).
If your mobile device has not previously been registered with OTPdirekt SmartBank, available as part of the InternetBank and MobileBank service, we have introduced additional security measures for your security for the first approval of transactions launched through SmartBank.
During normal operation, approval is given using the PIN, fingerprint or FaceID identification, but in this case, for your identification, by using the security code sent in a free-of-charge SMS (Mobile Signature SMS).
To activate your OTP SmartBank registration and, thus, enable PIN code or biometric identification, you have the following two options:
- After 24 hours from registration, the “Activate registration” function becomes available in the Settings menu of the OTP SmartBank mobile application. Using this function, you can activate your registration by entering a security code (Mobile Signature SMS) sent to you by free-of-charge SMS. After this, however, you will be able to use regular PIN, fingerprint or FaceID validation/confirmation in the future.
- The first transaction subject to approval initiated after 24 hours from registration must be approved by a security code (Mobile Signature SMS) sent in a free-of-charge SMS message. After this, however, you will be able to use regular PIN, fingerprint or FaceID validation/confirmation in the future.
Please note that until the Smartbank mobile app registration is activated, neither OTP InternetBank QR code login nor QR code transaction approval functions (QR code-based Mobile Signature) are operational. Until then, you can access OTP InternetBank using the security code (Mobile Signature SMS) sent in a free-of-charge SMS message.
What transactions need to be approved with a Mobile Signature?
- VIBER transfer,
- Transfers to outside own accounts, for entrepreneurs also within own accounts,
- 24/7 instant transfer between OTP debit cards,
- Query of webCARD data,
- Activation, blocking and limit change of bank cards,
- Saving and modification of forms,
- Requests/applications (e.g. insurance, loans, OTPdirekt Broker, Car Lottery).
Technical issues
Devices with modified (jailbroken, rooted) operating systems cannot be used with SmartBank.
However, there are also certain types of phones where rooting is done at the factory.
If you would like to check if the type of mobile phone or operating system you have is preventing the app from updating, please contact our customer service.
If your company conducts regular high-volume payment transactions and it is important for you to always be able to access OTP Bank, then OTP Electra Terminal meeting even the most special needs is what your must be looking for.
Offering user-friendly management adjustable to client needs with great flexibility, Electra Terminal is an electronic system managing our diverse banking services.
Main services
Domestic and international payments
Payment order batches
Direct credit/debit orders
Fixed deposits
Collection orders
Account history and Certifiedaccount statement
Account statement analytics
Postal payment order notices and receipts
Cashpool information
Why is it beneficial?
- User-friendly program management
- creating templates makes it easier and faster to enter repetitive orders
- payment order batches sent to the bank may contain a large number of payments
- sending signed orders at any time
- import and export data to support external systems
- tracking the status of submitted orders
- user interface in Hungarian and English
- managebank accounts of customer groups on a single user interface
- supporting communication between programs operating at different locations
- constantly developed system, with simple program updates
- direct, automated data connection with external systems
- our customer service provide support in Hungarian and English language on working days between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
How can you apply?
To conclude the OTPdirekt contract required for using the Electra terminal, connect with your account manager or relationship manager . After receiving the contract, you can immediately install the Electra Terminal and start using it.
Several business bank accounts can be handled in the service at the same time.
How to install it?
Download the installation kit and follow the instructions of the installation guide.
Try it!
Try the DEMO version of OTPdirekt Electra Terminal to discover the program’s installation process and user interface. Please, take a look to the installation guide for important information to operate the DEMO version.
With the ViCA application, the mobile phone can be used as a personal authentication device, so you can later use it to confirm your intention to sign and log in.
Can we help?
Our staff members will help you with the installation or the use of the OTPdirekt Electra Terminal.
Telephone banking service
Call us on the number plusz+36 1 366 2222 (on working days between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.)
You can contact us by e-mail, sent to electra@otpbank.hu
OTPdirekt automated telephone service
It is not necessary to conclude a separate contract to access general information. With OTPdirekt automated telephone service, you can easily and quickly find out about the balance of your bank account and block your stolen/lost bank card.
Telephone service
To use the telephone administration service, you need a OTP business HUF bank account and a business bank card.
Main services
General information
Money transfers
Account information
Fixed deposits
Setting up SMS services
Purchase a motorway sticker
Mobile phone top-up
Request a copy of account statement
Receiving complaints
How does OTP's telephone banking service work?
Call us!
Call us on the number plusz06 1 366 6666 or on your own mobile network on +36 20/30/70 366 6666!
Identify yourself!
For faster administration, please enter the last 10 digits of your card number and the Telcode associated with the card. You will then need to enter 3 random digits for your 7-digit secret password.
Manage your finances conveniently!
Tell our collagues what are you calling for. Before executing the transactions, our staff will repeat the details of the order and wait for your verbal approval.
How can you apply?
OTPdirekt mobile services can be requested by our customers who already use the OTPdirekt Telephone administrator, OTPdirekt Electra Terminal or the OTPdirekt internet service.
Main services
Bank card control
Bank account control
Direct debit control
Securities control
Morning balance
Interactive SMS