Premium Wealth Planning

Are you looking for an investment proposal that best suits your personal life status and requirements? Are you tired of continuous monitoring of bank offers? Combine the expertise of investment advisors with convenience and choose our Premium Wealth Planning service.
In the course of wealth planning we survey our clients’ financial goals and risk-taking level to recommend a personalized investment portfolio which considers the needs of the customers and contains bank products for short-, medium- and long term as well.
- Opportunity of high return: with the help of the Premium Wealth Planning we can examine how much higher yields could be achieved with a conscious, long-term investment approach instead of choosing only short term, conventional products.
- Personalized: beside of your financial goals we also take into consideration your personal risk taking propensity and investment practice, and based on this information our investment advisors helps you compiling the most adequate investment portfolio for you.
- Free of charge and any obligation: the Premium Wealth Planning service is free of charge and there is no obligation to buy any recommended products.
- Comfortable and simple, takes only 30 minutes: you are released of continuously monitoring the different bank offers, deposit rates, financial news. You can build up your portfolio from OTP Group products with the assistance of our investment advisors who provide you with the most update financial information to make the right decision at the right time.
- Long-term relationship with investment advisor: you can build a long term relationship with your advisor as it is recommended to review your investment strategy regularly. We advise you to contact your investment advisor at least on annual basis.
- Considers tax-allowances and government subsidies: the recommended portfolio is also taking into consideration the possible benefit of tax reliefs and tax allowances.
Availability of the Premium Wealth Planning service
Available products:
- Fix deposit
- Savings account
- OTP fixed income securities
- Investment funds
- Structured investment products
- Building society savings
- Voluntary pension funds
- Retirement savings account
- Unit linked life insurances
Our service is available - not only for OTP clients - in more than 300 OTP branches throughout the country or you can access it comfortably from your home through OTPdirekt.
OTPdirekt services
In the OTPdirekt internetbank you can bank conveniently from home 24 hours a day, or ask for the help of our clerks through our telephone banking service
OTP branch finder
With the help of branch finder – by choosing Wealth Planning Service – you can even find the branch with the most appropriate location for you. Here it is also possible to ask for an appointment in advance.
Terms and conditions
Other information
On the following homepages and on the homepage of the Issuer you could gather public information about the securities:
- OTP Fund Management
- OTP Funds portfolio report
- OTP Mortgages
- OTP Real Estate Fund
- Hungarian State Debt Management Agency/Államadósság Kezelő Központ (ÁKK)
- Hungarian National Bank/Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB)
- Budapest Stock Exchange/Budapesti Értéktőzsde (BÉT)
- Hungarian National Bank publications
- KELER Central Depository Ltd./KELER Központi Értéktár Zrt.