Crnogorska komercijalna banka Securities Services

CKB is the largest bank in Montenegro with the network of 29 branches and more than 100 ATM throughout the country. Since 2009, we have offered capital market services based on the approval of the Cental Bank Montenegro and Capital Market Authority of Montenegro.
In the period of 11 years, we have successfully offered services to private individuals, legal entities, professional investors, foreign custody banks, investment funds, pension funds, etc. In one place, our clients can find full range of capital market services for fullfilment of their needs. Our team consists of well qualified and experienced employees. It is important to emphisize that all of our services are supported by our parent bank, OTP Bank Plc. Hungary.
As the strongest and most efficient bank for capital market activities in Montenegro, we are sure that supported by our services, you will be able to achieve your goals much more easily.
Market Profile
Learn more about Montenegro: Market Profile Montenegro (pdf)
Nina Bulatović
Head of Custody Back Office and Depository Operations Unit
Nevenka Perazić Vukašinović
Officer in Private Banking and Investment Services Department
Miljan Mijatović
Sales Support Department
NewsFlash from Montenegro
- CKB’s CEO is the Elected President of the Montenegrin Foreign Investors’ Council 12/12/2022
- OTP Group - Bank of the Year in Central and Eastern Europe 09/12/2022
- OTP Group - Bank of the Year in Central and Eastern Europe 08/12/2021
- CKB – Bank of the year 2021 in Montenegro 08/12/2021
- CKB – Best Bank in Montenegro 19/07/2021
- CKB - Best Bank Award 2021 in Montenegro 30/03/2021
- CKB and Podgorička banka integration 14/12/2020
Public holidays in 2025
Date | Public Holiday |
18 April | Orthodox Easter Good Friday |
20 April | Ortodox Easter |
21 April | Ortodox Easter 2nd day |
1 May | Labour Day |
2 May | Labour Day |
21 May | Independence Day |
22 May | Independence Day |
13 July | Statehood Day |
14 July | Statehood Day |
15 July | Statehood Day |
13 November | Njegoš's day |
14 November | Njegoš's day |
Date 18 April Public Holiday Orthodox Easter Good Friday Date 20 April Public Holiday Ortodox Easter Date 21 April Public Holiday Ortodox Easter 2nd day Date 1 May Public Holiday Labour Day Date 2 May Public Holiday Labour Day Date 21 May Public Holiday Independence Day Date 22 May Public Holiday Independence Day Date 13 July Public Holiday Statehood Day Date 14 July Public Holiday Statehood Day Date 15 July Public Holiday Statehood Day Date 13 November Public Holiday Njegoš's day Date 14 November Public Holiday Njegoš's day
Useful links
Capital Market
(available in Montenegrin only)
- Law on Capital Market
- Rules on performing custody activities
- Rules on performing depository activities
- Rules on organizational requirements and rules of business conduct for performing investment services and activities
- Operating Rules of CSD
Investment Funds
Pension Funds
This information is provided by CKB, a member of OTP Group, as a service to its customers only. The information and opinions provided therein has been prepared in good faith on the basis of information which is either publicly available or obtained from sources which CKB reasonably believes reliable, and CKB does not represent or warrant their veracity, accuracy, relevance including relevance of the legislation provided as links hereto, or completeness. Such publicly available information may be incomplete or condensed and no responsibility or liability (express or implied) is accepted for any errors, omissions or misstatement by CKB. Information herein reflects the market situation at the time of writing and may change as market or regulatory conditions and circumstances develop. Figures relate to the past and indicate historic data. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. No representation, warranty or undertaking, express or implied is made and no responsibility is taken or accepted by CKB as to or in relation to the accuracy or completeness or otherwise of the material or as to the reasonableness of any assumption contained herein.
The estimates and opinions included herein are subject to change without notice and solely reflect the viewpoint of the authors thereof and are not intended, and shall not be interpreted, as an offer by CKB or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents to buy, sell, hold, hedge or otherwise deal with any currency, security, commodity or any kind of swap, forward rate, futures, options, derivatives or other contract or product whatsoever or an investment advice. It does not constitute legal, tax and accounting advice. Any person acting or behaving, or refraining from acting or behaving, in reliance on, or under the guidance of, the information provided or opinions expressed or recommendations made herein shall do so exclusively at its own risk based on independent assessment and without any liability for the result of its actions on the part of CKB or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents. Any such assessment should involve the complex consideration of the legal, tax, accounting, regulatory, financial, credit and other related aspects of any decision in respect of the information contained herein in order to be capable of making a well advised decision based on opinions from competent and independent advisors or other experts. CKB or any of its officers, directors, employees or agents shall not be liable for any failure to obtain such advice.
CKB assumes no responsibility or liability for information contained herein and is not holding out any information as a recommendation to take (or refrain from taking) any action in respect of any financial instruments.
CKB does not assume or accept any liability whatsoever for any direct, indirect, financial, economic or consequential loss or damage arising from any use of material contained herein, caused by the negligent act or omission of CKB, provided that such limitation of liability shall not apply to any liability which cannot be excluded or limited under applicable law.