Complaint Handling

Help us to help! Share your opinion about our services with us!

Thank you for choosing OTP Bank to manage your finances. Our staff are constantly striving to offer a wide range of high quality services.

How can you help?

If you submit your comments to our bank, we will try to implement your valuable ideas and launch new developments based on these ideas. Our goal is to improve the quality of our services on an ongoing basis and, of course, to remedy any errors.

Please, share

  • your opinion about our services,
  • your suggestions on how we can improve the services we provide to our customers,
  • initiatives on services you need but are missing from our range,
  • any potential negative experiences.

Where can comments be submitted?

You can send your comments to our Bank in a number of ways. Choose the one that suits you best.

On banking days from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Central Information Line at plusz+36 (1) 3 666 388.
Our staff answers your call directly on these numbers.

- with OTP Direct contract in menu 4 of the telephone customer service at plusz+36 ( 1) 3 666 666, and
- through the OTP Bank Card HelpDesk service at plusz+36 (1) 3 666 000.

By initiating the phone call, you consent to the recording of the displayed caller number and the call itself. Upon request – provided that OTP Bank Plc. is able to clearly identify you – OTP Bank Plc. shall make available to you the voice recordings within the shortest possible time after the receipt of the request, but within 25 days at the latest, if any of the following conditions apply:

  • indication of the time of the call in the case of calls identified and initiated under an OTP Direct contract,
  • in the case of calls not initiated under an OTP Direct contract
    • the name of the call centre agent, the exact time of the call, or
    • the initiating phone number and the precise date and time of the call, or
    • the caller ID of the phone conversation concerned.

If you fail to specify that you request a report or a copy of the audio recording, OTP Bank Plc. will provide you with the copy of the audio recording.

OTP Bank Plc. retains the voice recordings for a period of eight years.

addressed to OTP Bank Plc.,
Central Complaints Department
H-1876 Budapest

  • sin person, verbally and in writing,
  • by way of a document delivered by another person,
  • by way of an authorised representative. If you are submitting comments by way of an authorised representative, you can use the form available here.

to plusz+36 (1) 366 2607

The Bank allows you to use the complaint management form published on the website of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank (MNB) to submit your written complaint, which form is available here.

You can request an appointment by telephone or over the Internet for the purpose of recording the report on your observations or to submit the related documents.

What should your complaint include?

To help us investigate your complaint as quickly and comprehensively as possible, please provide us with all the information we need to investigate.

  • Please provide your details and contact information in all cases: name, notification address, telephone number. This will speed up your identification and ensure that you can be contacted for a possible consultation.
  • If available, you can also provide your bank details (customer number, bank and credit account number).
  • Please provide us with details of the incident complained about: for example, the exact place and time of the branch transaction objected to, the amount and time of the disputed transaction(s), etc.

You can further assist us in our investigation by providing us with the documents in your possession:

  • in case of contested transaction(s) or transaction(s), the generated receipt(s) and document(s),
  • if a claim has been submitted, the supporting evidence,
  • in case of a complaint concerning bank mail, a copy of the letter to which the complaint relates,
  • in the case of suspected abuse or fraud, the report made to the police.

Even in the case of complaints lodged, never disclose your secret codes relating to your banking affairs, such as your bank card PIN, your secret code for OTP Direct, etc.

Our Bank processes your data in line with the provisions of Act CXII of 2011 on Informational Self-Determination and the Freedom of Information. Our Privacy Notice is available here.

How to communicate your comments?

Our staff will be able to resolve your complaint or claim the fastest at the place where you ordered the transaction in question or where you received the service objected to.

  • In the event of administration at a branch, you can report your negative experience to our staff immediately. The list of addresses and contact detail for our branch network is available on our website. If you are not satisfied with the information, a record will be taken of your complaint. Staff of the Central Complaints Department or the subsidiaries will look for a solution to the issue presented in your report.
  • In case of the loss or theft of your OTP bank card, please contact the OTP Bank Card HelpDesk, where you can immediately block your card.
  • For transactions where OTP Bank acts as a financial intermediary (e.g. motorway e-vignette purchases, other online purchases, etc.), you can indicate any comments you may have
    • at OTP Bank concerning financial performance, and
    • at the merchant/service provider concerning the product purchased/service used.

If you are unsatisfied with the answer you received…

Our Bank is committed to assisting you with the best possible solution in any issues you may encounter in the course of managing your finances. It is important to us that you are satisfied with our services. Our staff are at your disposal to provide fast and personalised assistance.

If, based on the responses received, you feel that your complaint has not been appropriately addressed, pursuant to the Act on the Magyar Nemzeti Bank you may contact the MNB in writing with your complaint. In addition, you may open proceedings before the Financial Arbitration Board (PBT) operated by MNB or the competent court.

Financial Consumer Protection Centre of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank

mailing address: H-1534 Budapest, BKKP Pf. 777.
telephone: plusz+36 (80) 203 776
email adress:

Financial Arbitration Board

registered office: H-1013 Budapest, Krisztina krt. 55.
mailing address: H-1525 Budapest, Pf. 172.
telephone: plusz+ 36 (80) 203 776
email adress:

On the basis of Regulation (EU) No 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council on online dispute resolution on consumer disputes dated 21 May 2013, the European Commission has established an online dispute resolution platform, through which it ensures communication to settle disputes out of the court arising from obligations under online service contracts between consumers in the European Union and providers established in the European Union.

The scope of the Regulation applies directly to financial service providers domiciled in Hungary, including OTP Bank, if it has a financial consumer dispute over an online service contract concluded with the consumer. Pursuant to the Regulation, the consumer may, through the online dispute resolution platform, initiate an out-of-court settlement of the dispute with the jointly-elected dispute resolution forum online. In Hungary, the Financial Arbitration Board is entitled to settle financial consumer disputes.

Website of the online dispute resolution platform:
The user guide is available on the website of the online dispute resolution platform:

Please note that the lodging of a complaint does not entail the suspension of payment obligations.

Our Complaints Handling Glossary will help you interpret our response to your complaint.

For more details on complaints handling, see our Complaints Handling Regulation.

The core principles of the Bank's complaints handling activity and clear, accurate and up-to-date information on the complaints handling process are contained in the Complaints Handling Policy.

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If you have any questions, you can contact us by e-mail at !

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