Safe handling of the PIN code

After reading and memorizing the PIN code, destroy the PIN code together with the envelope containing it!
Handle the PIN code belonging to the card confidentially and do not let it be known by anyone!
Do not note down the PIN code anywhere! Do not note down the PIN code either in an encrypted or non-encrypted way, either in a notebook or in your mobile phone! If you would like to have a PIN code which is defined by you and which is easy to remember for you, at the ATMs operated by OTP Bank you have the possibility to change the PIN received!
We recommend you to avoid numbers which are obvious and which can be found out easily (e.g. date of birth, postal code)!
Enter the PIN code only if the POS terminal at the merchant requires it!
Other safety issues
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that despite certain rumors, even if you enter your PIN code in a reverse order at any ATM, the machine does not send an alert to the police and does not dispense the requested amount. When the PIN code is provided, the system examines whether the right combination of numbers is given, so if you enter it in reverse order, the ATM takes it as a wrong code and after several mistaken attempts the card is captured.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that neither the colleague of OTP Bank nor the merchant, nor the police have the right to request the PIN code, not even for your identification! It should be suspicious for you if someone requests your PIN code either in person or on phone. Please, do not give it away in any case and inform the OTP HelpDesk if you have been asked to give away your PIN code without any delay: +36 (1) 366 6000.
Beyond the working hoursyou can approach the ATMs situated in a closed area at the branches by pulling your card through the cardreader placed at the door. In these cases none of the banks requests a PIN code and they do not place a PINpad either! If you experience something like this, do not pull your card through the cardreader but please inform our bank on the telephone number of the OTP HelpDesk!
Incorrect transaction?
Please, do not give it away in any case and inform the OTP HelpDesk if you have been asked to give away your PIN code without any delay!
plusz +36 1 366 6000 or plusz+36 20 366 6000 or plusz +36 30 366 6000 or plusz +36 70 366 6000