
OTP Group is one of the fastest growing banking groups in Central and Eastern Europe, with unique knowledge of the region and a lasting commitment to it.

The predecessor of OTP Bank, called the National Savings Bank (OTP Bank) was established in 1949 as a nation-wide, state-owned, banking entity providing retail deposits and loans. In the ensuing years, its activities and the scope of its authority gradually widened. First, it was authorised to enter into real estate transactions. Later, its role was extended to provide domestic foreign currency accounts and foreign exchange services; there was a subsequent diversification into providing banking services for Hungarian municipalities. Since 1989, the bank has operated as a multi-functional commercial bank. In addition to continuing its previous retail and municipal activities, the bank has been authorised to solicit corporate loan accounts and deposits, and to provide commercial loans and banking services for correspondent banking and export-import transactions.

In 1990, the National Savings Bank became a public company with a share capital of HUF 23billion. Its name was changed to the National Savings and Commercial Bank. Subsequently, non-banking activities were separated from the bank, along with their supporting organisational units. The state lottery was reorganised into a separate state-owned company and OTP Real Estate was established as a subsidiary of the bank.

OTP Bank's privatisation began in 1995. As a result of 3 public offers along with the introduction of the bank's shares into the Budapest Stock Exchange the state's ownership in the bank decreased to a single voting preference (golden) share. Currently the bank is characterized by dispersed ownership of mostly private and institutional (financial) investors.

The international expansion of OTP Group started in the early 2000s and has thus become a key financial player in the CEE region. OTP Group currently operates in 12 countries in Central and Eastern Europe and Central Asia region: in Albania (Banka OTP Albania SHA), in Bulgaria (DSK Bank), in Croatia (OTP banka d.d.), in Romania (OTP Bank Romania), in Serbia (OTP banka Srbija), in Ukraine (OTP Bank JSC), in Montenegro (Crnogorska komercijalna banka), in Moldova (Mobiasbanca), in Slovenia (SKB banka and Nova KBM), in Russia (OAO OTP Bank) and in Uzbekistan (JSCMB Ipoteka Bank).

With more than 41,000 employees in 12 countries of the CEE and Central Asian region, the Group provides universal financial services to around 17.5 million customers through more than 1,400 branches.

OTP Group is headquartered in Hungary and has a diversified and transparent ownership structure.

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